In part two of our series on mobile ads best practices, we'll focus on carrier and device targeting.
We recently launched the ability to target specific carriers and devices on mobile devices with full Internet browsers. How can this benefit you and your clients?
1. Match the App
One of the new assets of device targeting is the new automatic device targeting for applications. Now, when you are advertising an application for Android-based phones or iPhones, the ad will automatically display a "Download" link instead of a URL.

To use this feature, include either '' or '' followed by the app name in the ad's visible URL, and it will automatically display as 'Download iPhone App' or 'Download Android App.'
Let's say your clients sell both and iPhone and Android application. You can now set up three campaigns, one only targeting iPhones with language specific to that application and phone, one targeting Android-based phones with language specific to those users, and a third targeting all mobile devices to drive more general traffic to your clients' websites.
2. Device or Carrier specific language
With Device and Carrier targeting, you can now speak to clients' potential customers even more specifically in the ad text. Does the client sell ringtones? Target mobile carriers in separate campaigns and mention the customer's phone or cell phone carrier in the ad text. Does the client sell mobile accessories? Set up campaigns focused on specific mobile devices in separate campaigns and mention the phone the customer has in the ad text.

Note: If you want to target Blackberry users, you will have to set up a WAP mobile ad within your account. While there is no way to specifically target Blackberry phones right now, you can reach those users through a mobile specific ad type. Find out more about how WAP ads differ from mobile ads for Internet-capable devices.
For more mobile tips and resources, visit the Google Mobile Ads site, as well as the Go Mobile! Series on the Inside AdWords Blog, and check back in a few weeks for more mobile tips to help your clients.
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